Salford Networking International Ltd, a joint venture between Salford University and Manchester Airport, has announced a Windows-based network planning and design offering, IPT-Netsolv Global. The system provides the details of more than 100,000 worldwide locations of carriers and PTTs, together with thousands of line tariffs for switched and leased services, including international and country-specific tariffs. Equipment information is added to the system by the user, who can enter equipment details for existing or potential equipment purchases, said the company. Algorithm-based analysis tools then perform optimisation analyses – which can be applied to the whole network or just a part – to identify the best lines and equipment to achieve the optimal least-cost solution, said Salford Networking. Analyses are based upon user-defined network requirements, such as cost, capacity or resilience, added the firm. Users can also assess ‘what if’ scenarios by adjusting parameters, such as a change of carrier or a change in traffic. The results of designs are presented in graphical and tabular format. Tariffs are maintained by the company with regular updates, and the users can include their own tariff information, said the firm. The offering is available now but no prices were given.