The Justice Department and British Telecommunications Plc are in the final stages of negotiating the agreement that will enable the UK telephone company proceed with its plan to acquire a 20% stake in MCI Communications Corp, the Wall Street Journal reported, apparently refuting a report in the Washington Post that Justice was seeking new limitations on the deal; according to the Journal, the Justice Department could file a consent decree as early as this week, people familiar with the process said, virtually clearing the way for the long-awaited application to buy the $4,300m stake in MCI; they didn’t say whether the consent decree would require any changes in the MCI-British Telecom agreement; the Federal Communications Commission would have to approve the deal, but its that is expected to be a formality; BT said the company isn’t aware of any problems or any change being sought by the Department – As far as we’re aware, we’re just going to be given the go-ahead to buy a stake in MCI, the company declared.