Micropolis Corp is keeping a watchful eye on its AV Video servers, which appear to be one of the only profitable businesses within the company. David Guo, director of marketing for the Video Systems Division, said that its sales, which came to $10m last year, should double to $20m this year. Micropolis claims to have sold 100 of the servers, which cost $75,000 each, within the first three months. And according to Guo, orders keep on coming. Micropolis will supply video servers to Matsushita Avionic Systems Corp as part of its in-flight entertainment system to be installed in 747 aircraft on Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines early next year. It also has a an OEM agreement with Texscan MSI, a subsidiary of cable television advertising insertion company TSX Corp under which Micropolis will supply AV 50 servers to be inserted in the cable head end so that broadcasters can buy airtime in regional slots.