The Israeli government says it is on the verge of an agreement that will enable Intel Corp to invest $1,500m in a new facility in southern Israel, the largest foreign investment in Israel to date. Expected turnover from the new semiconductor facility would be $1,000m.Intel and Israel are engaged in talks on a government grant that could amount to 38% of the cost – a sum that would break the treasury if paid out all at once, so Israel wants to spread it over 10 years.Intel plans to build the facility in the developing area of Kiryat Gat, in the Negev desert. The company already has a production plant in Jerusalem as well as a research and development facility in Haifa.

* No one would have turned a hair at Sextium, but Intel didn’t like it, so the P6 is to be the Pentium Pro. The company says it is building on the equity in the Pentium name, no doubt hoping everyone has forgotten the maths flaw in early Pentiums that tarnished the name.