If anyone was wondering whether all the hype about a possible Apple tablet computer — variously being called the iSlate or iPad — was just a spoiler and that the firm may not launch something after all, you might want to think again.

Analyst firm Gartner, which is likely to have its ear pretty close to the ground on this one, is admant that some kind of slate will be launched at the Apple event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater in San Francisco tomorrow.


One interpretation of what the iSlate might look like. Source: Cult of Mac.

The analyst firm has sent round a list of analyst contacts it says can offer comment to the media on the day, which is quite telling in itself:

“Carolina Milanesi, Gartner Research Director can comment on the hardware and its positioning within both the Apple portfolio and the connected devices market from smartphones to notebooks.”

“Charles Smulders, Gartner Managing Vice President can comment on the product’s positioning within the Apple portfolio and the client device market in general.”

“Van Baker, Gartner Research VP can comment on the viability and usability of the product and the likely consumer reaction as well how it relates to the overall tablet market.”

“Mike McGuire, Gartner Research VP can comment on content capabilities and significance of the device to media companies and rights holders.”

Meanwhile CBR’s Jason Stamper can comment on why whatever Apple launches, he won’t be buying it.

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