Unix office software company Uniplex Ltd has been relatively quiet since its acquisition by Folsom, California-based CP Software Group last July, but it now says it will release Version 8.1 of its Uniplex Business Software office automation suite at the end of September. Unlike Version 8, released in October, UBS 8.1 will be integrated with CP’s existing Intext document analysis tools from the Australian acquisition. There are file management, interface and other enhancements to the Uniplex word processor and spreadsheet. By mid-1996 it will have integrated Intext’s spreadsheets into the Business Software, which is apparently similar to Lotus Development Corp’s 2.1 character release. Uniplex also plans document convertors from Windows, Motif and character interfaces, and a mail link Windows front end. Most of its development work is done at its Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire base, although it has a small user interface team in Redwood, California. It is particularly pleased with a recent report from market researcher International Data Corp, which reckons the company has just over 50% of a Unix office automation market that is expected to enjoy growth of 11% over the next five years. Uniplex plans to concentrate on its core products, including OnGo Office, meant to tie in charater based terminals to Uniplex Business Software, and its DSM document management tool. UBS Version 8.1 is up under HP-UX, AIX, Santa Cruz Unix and on Data General Corp’s AViiON. Prices will be released in September.