A new Datapro survey suggests Unix spending will grow at a rate of 8% through the year 2000 while ‘non-Unix’ purchases, including Windows and NT, will decline by 8%. Its shows Solaris in use at 40% of the sites it surveyed, HP-UX at 36%, Santa Cruz OpenServer and OpenDesk-top at 34%, AIX 31%, Digital Unix 18%, Unix System V.4 (presumably including UnixWare) 17% and Linux 11%. Datapro says Solaris is strongest in the Americas while Europe and Asia-Pacific markets prefer Santa Cruz Unix and HP-U X respectively. It believes the demand for Internet products is strangling growth of C-based development tools, which it reckons has topped out at 61%, with 7% growth forecast for 1996. Java and HyperText Mark-up Language purchases will grow by 26% and 20% respectively in the same period.