Citrix Systems Inc, Coral Springs, Florida adder of value to the Windows operating environment with multi-user extensions and other variations, has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission ro offer up to 2.4m shares, up to 2m of them new. Net proceeds will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes, the company said. The offering will be made through Hambrecht & Quist, Robertson, Stephens & Co and Needham & Co Inc.

Zycad Corp, Fremont, California chip design software specialist, has raised $10m in a private placing of 6% debentures convertible into common at various dates at discounts of up to 20% on the market price at the time of conversion. The cash is to expand sales, marketing and development. It says the financing led by the Palladin Group LP.

Korea Telecom Ltd, the only licensed supplier of fixed link local telephone service in South Korea, has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to offer up to $150m in notes. Net proceeds will be used to finance a portion of the acquisition and launch of a telecommunications satellite, construction of additional optical cable networks and international investments, the Seoul-based company said. The offering is to be made through Morgan Stanley & Co Inc and Salomon Bros Inc.