Apple Computer Inc yesterday duly unveiled its most powerful Macintosh yet, the Power MacIntosh 9500, which combines the PCI bus with the PowerPC 604 processor for faster processing and up to three times the memory capacity of the Power Mac 8100/110. It starts at $5,000 and ships with Mac OS 7.5.2, now. The new Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS provides 600 by 600 dots-per-inch resolution, and uses Apple’s Contone Compression technology, which reduces the amount of memory needed to run the printer. It prints up to 12 pages per minute in mono, and three pages a minute in colour, one page a minute for colour transparencies. The LaserWriter 12/600 is available immediately, at $7,000. The new LaserWriter 4/600 PS can do 106 line screens and 126 shades of gray, and comes with LaserWriter Bridge 2.0 software so that it can be integrated with offices served by EtherTalk or TokenTalk networks. It costs $930. Both LaserWriters use the new Advanced Micro Devices Inc Am29200 RISC. The new Color StyleWriter 2200, at $420, is designed to complement the PowerBook notebooks but can be used with most Mac and Power Mac models. It is out now and offers 360 by 360 dots an inch of colour and 720 by 360 dots an inch of black, and can produce up to five pages a minute. The printer comes with 64 TrueType fonts. And the Color StyleWriter 2400 has been enhanced, and offers 720 by 360 dots an inch of true black printing at up to five pages a minute. It does 360 by 360 dots an inch of colour at up to three minutes a page using its water-resistant colour ink cartridge. It costs $430, and is ready now.