AT&T Corp is still selling off NCR Corp assets, and the latest to go is Applied Digital Data Systems Inc, the Hauppauge, New York-based builder of display terminals and the ADDS Mentor Pick systems. It has gone to All-Quotes Inc, which bought the company for $21.75m through its newly formed SunRiver Acquisition Corp. About $16m of the purchase price is payable no later than December 9 1997, with the first $8.75m due by December 9 next year. All-Quotes has also issued 63% of its equity to SunRiver Corp, the Austin, Texas builder of X terminals and other special function display terminals, and a specialist in turning alpha terminals into X Window terminals, in exchange for SunRiver’s assets. It now intends to change the All-Quotes name to SunRiver Corp. SunRiver Corp will combine with Applied Digital Data Systems to create SunRiver Data Systems. AT&T Global Information Solutions will buy X-stations and display terminals from SunRiver Data Systems and market and sell these under the AT&T logo, and will supply computer systems to SunRiver Data Systems for resale with its system software. It has also agreed a long-term deal under which AT&T Global will provide field support services to SunRiver Data Systems customers.