The four-year-old MIPS Application Binary Interface Group has incorporated itself as the MIPS ABI Group Inc, to protect some assets and intellectual property, such as logos and specifications, and reflect its growth, it says. The first meeting of its board of directors, which included representatives from each of the member companies, was scheduled for April 27 at Concurrent Computer Corp, Concord, Massachusetts. The group’s new legal corporate status is not expected to affect its operation. In structure it expects to be more similar to the SPEC group than 88open. Its work will be done by the members of the ABI companies, rather than by any central organisation. The group is on the third revision of its MIPS ABI specification and now supports about 70 applications from a dozen companies including Oracle Corp, SAS Institute Inc, Informix Corp, Progress Software Corp, Acucobol Inc, Liant Software Corp, Uniface BV and Locus Computing Corp. It is sponsoring a seminar program to tell independent software vendors about itself and find new recruits.