Good as its word (CI No 2,717), Superscape VR Plc, Hook, Hampshire is now making its Visualiser virtual reality visualisation software available for downloading on the Internet. It says that Web users can now download an MS-DOS or Windows Visualiser on to their personal computer and gain the ability to experience three-dimensional, interactive worlds populated with intelligent objects, sound and lively graphics. Available virtual worlds include a record store, shopping mall, puzzle cube, dam, petrol station and swimming pool. Once the world is downloaded, users can click on objects and move in real-time through the three-dimensional environment, the company says. Sounds can also be heard so that by clicking on the record store, the user can go into the store, choose a disk, click on it and listen to the music. Earlier this year, Superscape changed its pricing model to make the playback software for virtual worlds cheap or free while it made its money from the developers that used its tools and leaving it to them to work out how to make money on their applications, and making the Visualiser downloadable is intended to create a community panting for new virtual worlds to experience. Visualiser is downloadable at