Art Technology Group Inc, Boston, Massachusetts is offering a World Wide Web page generator that will supposedly enable developers to prototype, build and manage applications and content for enterprise networks and the Internet. Dubbed Dynamo, it supports Solaris and Linux 1.2 running Navigator, Open Market, Spyglass and other National Center for Supercomputing Research Mosaic-based browsers. Irix, HP-UX and OSF/1 implementations, plus SQL gateways and a C++ applications programming interface are promised this month. The environment includes Dynamo Engine, a server-based application with an integrated object-oriented database, server-side Web objects, scripting environment and session tracking. Dynamo Web Objects are non-browser dependent mini-applications that will be provided free on a continual basis. The initial suite includes Discussion Threads, Dynamic Ads, Web-O-Grams, mail, Activity Monitor, People Watcher, Live Links, Annotation and Site Broadcast. New objects can be built via the Dynamo environment. Also included is Scheme-D, a scripting language that can integrate scripts written in other languages such as Perl, C++ and Java. Prices for Dynamo go from $5,000 per licence.