San Jose, California-based Cisco Systems Inc has announced a series of software features for its Internetworking Operating System software, which are designed to increase security and help users to reduce wide area network costs. The first of these is an IP Policy-Based Routing feature that can address variables including the administrative selection and data prioritisation of Internet Exchange Carrier traffic and internal data paths for Internet access and other specific applications. To reduce communication costs associated with dial-on-demand circuits between remote offices, Cisco has also implemented SPX spoofing. This capability sits above Novell Inc’s IPX and receives, recognises and acknowledges, both server and client SPX keep-alive packets in user-defined intervals on one end of a wide area network link, said Cisco. SPX spoofing interoperates with all Novell and third-party applications. New AppleTalk features include NBP filters that, according to Cisco, limit dial-on-demand use, diminish security breaches, check wide area network costs and lower overhead traffic. Users can deploy this feature to help build firewalls, dial-on-demand triggers and traffic queuing options, said the company. AppleTalk NBP filters also offer policy routing capabilities that include controlled network access of AppleTalk resources such as printers, file servers and applications. For bulletproof dial back-up capabilities, Cisco Internetworking Operating System software will additionally offer floating static routes to provide corporations with the ability to design and build flexible and robust routing technologies. A floating static route serves as a default path when no dynamic routing information is available. The feature is supported in AppleTalk and Vines environments in addition to previously announced IP and Novell IPX capabilities, said Cisco. On the security front, new features include route authentication and IP access control list violation logging. The reporting tools will provide managers with attempted violation information and prevention at the network perimeter, according the company.