Hewlett-Packard Co has introduced its promised Corba 2-compliant ORB Plus 2.0 object request broker for HP-UX, Solaris and Windows NT. It includes the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol and will interoperate with the Distributed Smalltalk environment (actually VisualWorks plus Corba 2 services) it recently turned over to ParcPlace-Digitalk Inc. HP-UX users can also develop with the Distributed Computing Environment Inter-ORB Protocol. An Object Linking & Embedding-to-Corba translation feature is due in the summer. And the company is shipping AT&T Corp’s Unix implementation of LAN Manager on its HP-UX systems as Advanced Server/9000. AT&T’s Advanced Server for Unix 3.51 (formerly known as Pegasus) is the functional equivalent of Windows NT Advanced Server’s network operating system and domain functions on Unix. Prices go from $1,000 to $30,000. Hewlett has also added a new version 6.0 of its Printer Control Language claimed to include new object-oriented features which provide closer integration with the Windows Graphics Display Interface. It is also expected to provide support for PostScript Level 2-compatible implementations and HyperText Mark-up Language plug-ins.