San Francisco, California-based graphics house Electrogig Inc will integrate its GigTime Reality Tracking three-dimensional animation and virtual set software technology with Illustra Technologies Inc’s object-relational database and Visual Intelligence retrieval system. The result will be a Virtual Set Creation Management System that uses embedded objects to call and change virtual sets – the computer-generated backdrops used in television programmes for things like weather reports. ElectroGig’s Reality enables the camera and the presenter to interact in a synthetic environment. The company hasn’t got a release date – it only signed the deal two weeks ago, but expects a product by the end of next year. The privately- owned company, originally based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and now relocated in San Francisco, employs 87 people. Visual Intelligence – which Illustra developed with Virage Inc, San Diego, California (CI No 2,646) – provides a system for retrieving images and video based on the image content rather than keywords. Meantime, Electrogig has coverted its Reality Tracking Gig3Dgo and GigViz products for Hewlett-Packard Co and Axil Computer Inc workstations. Gig3Dgo is a three dimensional graphics software system that offers basic modelling, rendering and animation. It costs $21,000 bundled with Hewlett-Packard’s 715/100XC workstation. GigViz provides animation for computer-aided design and visualisation markets.