Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs and University of Melbourne, have partnered with the Victorian State Government, to launch the Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) facility.

CEET will focus on energy-efficient networks and technologies with a goal to reduce the impact of telecommunications on the environment, said Alcatel-Lucent.

The facility will have a staff of researchers and technology experts that is expected to be a team of 22 in the next three years.

In addition, the CEET facility will leverage on Bell Labs’ experience in generating technologies and guiding collaborative research projects and the University of Melbourne’s research in telecommunications network infrastructure.

Alcatel-Lucent said the aim of the projects is to understand how telecommunications networks consume energy and enable the development of sophisticated models of managing energy consumption: cloud computing, content distribution and information logistics; energy efficiency of next-gen networks; and Internet services energy star rating.

Alcatel-Lucent said that three projects will explore techniques to reduce the energy consumption of the transmission equipment in telecommunications networks: energy efficiency of future modulation format; low energy point-to-point access network; and analogue to digital converters

University of Melbourne laureate professor Rod Tucker said telecommunications networks in Australia use about 1% of their energy supply and with increasing demands for bandwidth, it is expected to grow dramatically unless they find ways to make their networks more efficient.