Motorola Government and Systems Technology Group has been awarded a contract with estimated value up to $44m from the US Department of Defense for development of the 21st Century Land Warrior Generation II Soldier system. It is a head-to-toe fighting system with data communication and protective equipment designed for ground forces. It will provide night vision, friend or foe identification and enemy position knowledge, and other capabilities designed to give soldiers enhanced fighting and survival ability. As prime contractor, Motorola will be responsible for overall systems integration and will team with Honeywell Inc, Hughes Aircraft Inc, Arthur D Little, Battelle Institute Inc and Gentex Inc on the project. They are designing and developing the Generation II System that includes individual command, control and communications including voice communications; combat identification and individual position-navigation; individual computer for data storage and transfer, mapping software and video capture-transfer; and integrated helmet system, hearing protection-augmentation, and head-up display.