Computer Associates International Inc says that it is now shipping CA-Ingres, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase database drivers for the Windows NT version of its CA-OpenRoad development environment with prices from $420 per user for 16 developers. Computer Associates says applications can be developed once and deployed against multiple databases. The drivers also allow existing CA-Windows high level language applications to be used in conjunction with the databases. Unix versions of OpenRoad are in beta and will be out in the spring, with the same functionality as the NT implementation. Computer Associates says it has added some 100 system classes to the development environment, including the ability to write libraries with inheritance and polymorphism. For example there is a template for adding code to fields created by graphical application screen painters. OLE2 and OCX Object Linking & Embedding Controls functionality will go into the next OpenRoad release now being designed. Planned CA-OpenIngres 2.0 database features and functions have gone before analysts – a user group will review the make-up in the next few weeks – and Computer Associates will present the strategy for version 2.0 in its promised white paper, now set for the third or fourth week in February.