Live from Silicon Valley & New York… it’s the first-ever videoconference wedding! Cassandra Lehman and Chris Thorne are inviting the American nation to their nuptials which will be videoconferenced between Pacific Bell Inc’s Communications Center in Santa Clara, California, and PC Expo in New York City on June 30. While bride and groom will be in New York, the officiating judge and guests will be in Santa Clara. Cassandra, 29, is an assistant professor of Computer Art at San Jose State and Chris, 34, is president of Riverview Systems Group in San Jose. Cassandra gushes we’re high tech fanatics and this reflects our lifestyle. Retired Superior Court Judge Spurgeon Avakian, who will perform the ceremony, says the video vows are legal because a judge only has to be convinced that the couple is in his presence. The two sites will be connected using ISDN. The Eclipse videoconferencing systems at both sites will be provided by Compression Labs Inc of San Jose.