Very few of the organizations that have established World Wide Web sites seem to realize that it is much better to be absent from cyberspace than to promise that your hot new site will have all the latest and greatest news about your products, only for eager surfers to find when they log on that it was last updated on January 10. A new company, NetObjects Inc, has been formed in Redwood City, California to create Website authoring, publishing and management products for people and organizations that design and develop for the Web, and its first offering, NetObjects Site Publisher, due to be launched in the second half of the year, is designed to build and update an entire site automatically every 30 minutes. An early prototype will be demonstrated on Thursday next week at 24 Hours in Cyberspace, an on-line event at, intended to showcase the future of real-time content publishing for media organizations and others that publish information that changes rapidly. NetObjects promises that thousands of images and hundreds of stories will be continuously collected, edited and published in a single day. NetObjects was formed in November by Rae Technology Inc and Clement Mok designs Inc, an identity and information design firm.