Apple newly launched iPad 2 may suffer from supply shortages because of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on 13 March.

A research by IHS iSuppli has said the shortages could be in NAND flash memory chips, dynamic random access memory, electronic compass, battery and touchscreen glass.

Toshiba makes the flash memory chips, Elpida Memory makes dynamic random access memory, AKM Semiconductor makes electronic compass, Asahi Glass makes touchscreen overlay glass and Apple Japan makes the system battery. All are in Japan.

The research firm said the impact of the disaster will spill over to delivery of components to some degree.

It said, "While some of these suppliers reported that their facilities were undamaged, delivery of components from all of these companies is likely to be impacted at least to some degree by logistical issues now plaguing most Japanese industries in the quake zone."

"Logistical disruptions may mean Apple could have difficulties obtaining this battery, and it may not be able to secure supply from an external, non-Japanese source," iSuppli said.

Apple declined to comment.

Apple released the iPad 2 in the US last week and had planned to begin sales in another 26 countries including Japan on 25 March.