Intent on offering yet more technology within its core operating system – and maybe squeezing out the likes of Macromedia Inc in the process – Microsoft Corp has announced a new multimedia streaming technology for the internet and intranets called NetShow. Described as an open platform for the basic delivery of live and on-demand multimedia, NetShow is designed to enable business users to provide audio and video content in on-line training and communications materials without using excessive network bandwidth, by storing and streaming audio, video and illustrated audio content. It uses IP multicasting for live transmissions between one sender and multiple simultaneous receivers in the network bandwidth normally used for a single client . For on-demand delivery, content authors can specify different bit rates. A simple graphics editor and conversion tools for graphics formats such as JPEG, WAV. and Apple Computer Inc’s QuickTime are also included. The software works with Microsoft’ s existing NetMeeting conferencing software which ships with the Explorer 3.0 browser. A host of third-party developers, including Progressive Networks Inc, whose RealAudio streaming technology looks on the face of it to be a competitor, have pledged support. Macromedia, however, was not on the list. A free beta version is now up on the Web at with a final version, to be part of internet Explorer and Windows NT Server, due by the end of the year.