Digital market intelligence provider comScore has announced the global launch of a new Web analytics tool Digital Analytix.
The new tool enables digital marketers and analytics professionals to conduct in-depth forensic research on site-level activity through the flexible data analysis architecture, said the company.
The evolutionary service in Web analytics is powered by the comScore Atomix technology. It uses unaggregated data that generates reports users want, and insights they need.
Among key features of the tool are flexible reporting architecture, campaign-level insights and cross-platform measurement.
comScore President & CEO Magid Abraham said the tool solves two of the most prevalent issues with Web analytics.
Abraham said, "Atomix technology maintains an unaggregated data set that can be manipulated from its raw form to address any business question."
"Secondly, we are introducing a new dimension to the web analytics universe with audience demographics so that users can understand site-level activity within the context of a broader marketing strategy."
comScore is also bringing its expertise in audience measurement in the technology that combines deep analytics insight with audience profiling. This link will enhance publishers’ abilities to tie higher level marketing strategies to actual conversion, providing a unified view of digital consumer behavior, said the company.