Apple Computer Inc’s plans for PCI bus-based Performas will mean its low-end machines will have features that are currently reserved for the top of the range, according to MacWeek. Plans for the machines, which the paper hears are due in the second quarter of next year, include the use of 100MHz or 120MHz 603e PowerPC processors, supporting up to 136Mb of main memory. The new machines will come in both modular and all-in-one cases and will have a slot for a 7, 32-bit PCI board. Code-named Elixir, the modular machine will reportedly replace both the 75MHz 603-based 6200 series and the 100MHz 603e-based 6300. The all-in-one system, code-named Chimera, will replace the 5200 series, which uses a 75MHz PowerPC 603. Both systems are expected to include 1Gb and larger Enhanced IDE hard disks, quadruple-speed CD-ROM drives, 16-bit sound, and slots for video-in, communications and television tuner boards. Some LC and Performa models will bundle the Apple Video/TV System and the Apple Presentation System, which enable users to watch television on their Mac, and capture video and display presentations on a television monitor. Others may include the 100MHz Intel 80486-based DOS Compatibility Card and either a 14.4Kbps or 28.8Kbps facsimile modem. Final pricing has not been set, but is expected to range from $1,500 for a base 100MHz Elixir, to $2,500 for a 120MHz Chimera with extra memory and add-ons.