Still under negotiation, the cession of Cisi SA, the joint systems integration subsidiary of France’s Industrial Atomic Energy Commission – CEA-I, which has 64%, and Cap Gemini Sogeti SA with 36%, to Sema Group Plc has taken a political turn. A report in Les Echos says Socialist parliamentarian Christian Bataille questioned the minister of industry on the subject on Thursday last week. Worried about reports that a Sema acquisition will mean the lay-off of up to 500 people, the paper says, Bataille wants to know why the government does not fix the company’s problems and relaunch it instead of just selling to an Anglo-French concern. Expressing the same concern in this season of hitting the streets, some 10% of Cisi’s employees were busily making the company’s difficulties even worse and their jobs even less secure by joining the national days of inaction, and staying out on strike all last week.