Kapiti Ltd, the Slough, Berkshire banking software specialist, has set tentative plans to join the lengthening queue of companies going public in London this year, although no date has yet been fixed. It is currently auditing its 1993 year-end figures, and says that if market conditions change, it may reconsider. Kapiti, which is currently auditing its 1993 figures, turned over 24.3m in 1992, up 15.7% from 1991, making a profit of 1.0m before tax – a rise of 190%. The company markets banking and dealing room systems worldwide. It introduced its Equation banking system in 1988, and late last year launched version three of the product, which now includes a global data model to cover the Treasury, Corporate and Retail Banking markets. There is also a Credit Risk Management application buried in the product. It also launched its Express software, a customer delivery system to give corporate clients better access to their banks. To top it off, it provided users with Market Watch, a personal computer version of its FIST share dealing system. It operates in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North America and Australasia.