Billerica, Massachusetts-based Wellfleet Communications Inc has expanded its Point-to-Point Protocol support to Open Systems Interconnection, Banyan Systems Inc’s Vines, Digital Equipment Corp DECnet Phase IV, and Xerox Corp XNS Xerox Network System protocols. The enhancements are intended to complement the company’s other Point-to-Point Protocol-transported network and bridge protocols, which include TCP/IP, IPX, AppleTalk, Transparent Bridging, Translation Bridging, and Source Route Bridging across Point-to-Point Protocol links. In addition, Wellfleet has upgraded its Point-to-Point Protocol interface to support the latest RFCs, which define basic Point-to-Point Protocol functions. These comprise the RFC 1331 Transmission of Multiprotocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Protocol Links, RFC 1332 Internet Protocol Control Protocol, RFC 1333 Link Quality Monitoring, and RFC 1334 Password Authentication Protocol. Wellfleet has supported Point-to-Point Protocol across its protocol suite since 1992. As a member of the Point-to-Point Protocol Consortium, Wellfleet claims that it has successfully tested its Point-to-Point software for interoperability with implementati ons from other router and workstation vendors. Well fleet’s Point-to-Point software enhancements will be available on its entire line of multiprotocol rout er-bridges in February, at no additional cost to curr ent software subscribers.