Axil Workstations Inc, the Sparc unit of Hyundai Electronics America Inc is said to have gone on a hiring binge, trying to recoup the ground it lost last summer because of the Sun Microsystems Inc lawsuit against it for copying one of its boards. It has named William Shellooe as its vice-president marketing and sales. Shellooe, who joined from MasPar Computer Corp where he was vice-president, worldwide sales, but is probably best known for his stint as executive vice president at Pyramid Technology Corp, will report to Dr C S Park, Axil’s president and chief executive. Park came over from Korea last summer to pick up the reins. However, it is believed that the US management team once it is formed will be given its own head. Hyundai intends to set Axil up as an independent subsidiary soon with a view to it being floated on Nasdaq. Axil, which lost momentum because of the lawsuit, claims to be getting its drive back and was said to be shipping around 1,000 units a month in November and December. It expects its 1994 performance to triple or quadruple its 1993 showing. With Sun weeding out its own reseller contingent, Axil is said to have picked up 60 resellers in the US and 25 internationally.