Plasmon Plc, Melbourn, Hertfordshire optical disk storage systems integrator, reports from its Milpitas, California base in the US that it has acquired optical jukebox manufacturer International Data Engineering Inc, on undisclosed terms. The company will become an operating division of Plasmon Plc and will remain headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It has been supplying jukebox mechanisms for Plasmon’s low- to-medium capacity optical disk storage systems for the past three years. Combined sales for the two firms for 1993 were some $30m. International Data claims almost 35% of the sub-100Gb capacity jukebox market, and is extending its range upwards. Plasmon says it bought the company because it would have taken two years to develop its own optical jukebox. Plasmon reckons it now has a full range of optical subsystems.Plasmon Data Systems Ltd manufactures optical disks and Plasmon’s Reflection Systems Ltd assembles, integrates and markets optical subsystems, jukeboxes and CD recorders.