Baltic state Estonia is looking at the option of hosting data on its citizens in a UK data centre to keep it away from aggressive machinations of a potentially aggressive neighbour.

Estonia was the victim of a three week long cyber attack in 2007, which it said originated in Russia.

The Estonian foreign ministry accused the Kremlin of direct involvement in the 2007 attack (wikipedia). Something that was denied.

Now reports say that the Estonian government is seeking a UK data centre in which host citizen data which would act as a safe disaster recovery site in the event of more cyber attacks.

The Government of Estonia believes that because of the reliance on digital technology for storage or citizen and government data an attack could wipe it from digital existence and that by hosting its data in the UK it could recover quickly and not be erased as a country.

Estonia as a population of 1.3m and has embraced digital economics and developments which it sees as vital to it continuing economic stability and independence.

Talks are said to be early stages with Brexit complicating the matter and Luxembourg being considered as an alternative destination for its DR data centre, the reported.