Standing for compact disc, this is a small, portable disc that is designed to be used for electronically recording, storing, and playing back audio, video, text, and other digital information.

Made out of moulded polymer, the CD were designed as a more advanced storage device than tape cartridges.

CD’s were initially read-only, but as technology advanced they were opened up to be recorded on as well.

Several other versions of the CD were created such as the CD-R for write once audio and data storage, CD-RW for rewritable media, VCD for video compact disc, and SVCD for super video compact disc.

The technology was introduced in 1982 and could hold as much data as a personal computer hard drive, around 10MB. However, at hard drive technology advanced the CD became less relevant as by 2010 a hard drive could hold offer the same amount of storage as thousands of CDs.

CD’s are still commonly used in the music.