Bioinformatics refers to the applications of computational techniques to analyse the information associated with biomolecules on a large-scale, according to N.M. Luscombe, D. Greenbaum, and
M. Gerstein, from the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at the Yale University
New Haven, USA.
Bioinformatics is today a science field that focus on computer science, statistics, mathematics, and engineering.
The term Bioinformatics was coined in 1970 by Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper, however, it referred to the study of information processes in biotic systems.
In the bioinformatics field, sequence analysis is an important area of study that analysis sequences of information to determine genes that encode proteins, RNA genes, regulatory sequences, structural motifs, and repetitive sequences.
Sequence analysis includes genome annotation, computational evolutionary biology, comparative genomics, pan genomics, genetics of disease, and analysis of mutations in cancer.
To do bioinformatics, there are different software tools in the market today. These range from open-source solutions, to web services, management systems, etc.