HTML, or in its full form HyperText Markup Language, is a common coding language used in web pages all over the internet.
In fact, HTML is so popular that it is on the Top 3 of the most used languages for web page design together with JavaScript and CSS.
The language was created in 1993 and works under the ISO/IEC 15445 standard. It is an extension of Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) and has been extended to XHTML.
Did you know a body maintains HTML? Find out who it is on the next page.
The flexibility of HTML allows users to embed widgets on their websites written and based on other languages like JavaScript.
HTML is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The first version of HTML to be treated as a standard was launched in November 1995 as part of IETF RFC 1866.
Since then, several other languages and updates have been launched. The latest was released in 2014 and it is known as HTML5.