Gemini, the cryptocurrency exchange, has expanded to the UK, allowing its customers to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The move will enable registered customers in the country to trade bitcoin and ether on Gemini’s ETH/BTC order book, which means a customer can buy Ethereum with bitcoin, and sell Ethereum for bitcoin.

Gemini said: "We are thrilled to announce the expansion of Gemini services to the United Kingdom! This is a significant and important part of Gemini’s international expansion and our tireless pursuit of building a world-class digital asset exchange empire on which the sun never sets."

Since the beginning, the Winklevoss twins, the founders and operators of the exchange, have adopted a gold-plated approach to regulation to bring heavyweights in the financial sector to bitcoin trading, IBTimes reported.

The founders have said that they would replicate the approach in the UK and Canada markets.

Tyler Winklevoss the publication: "We wanted to come out with something first, and sooner rather than later, and then we will continue to expand the suit of services in coming weeks."

He noted that gaining major blue chip clients for the Gemini exchange is a big achievement.

Tyler said: "We have market participants on exchange that simply would never be on another exchange. We have built an exchange on which the larger financial institutional players can now finally do business in Bitcoin.

"We have been pro-regulation from day one, and we believe that building on-ramps to the main men of finance is important and we are seeing that play out, evidenced by the institutions that have signed up. They would not do business with anyone else other than Gemini."

The exchange also plans to offer US dollar order books for its customers in the UK. The step will allow the customers to buy bitcoin with US dollar or ether, and sell bitcoin for US dollar or ether. It will offer to buy ether with US dollar or bitcoin, and sell ether for US dollar or bitcoin.

Gemini added: "We’re excited to bring our friends from across the Pond aboard the Gemini spaceship for our journey, and we look forward to expanding to additional areas of operations in the near future."