Ubuntu is an open source Linux distribution based on Debian, which is a freely available operating system that uses the Linux kernel.

The open source community is packed full of intriguing projects and companies, so much so that even the biggest of proprietary vendors have moved to embrace it.

Ubuntu is one of those open source projects that has developed a wide-spread following.

Initially developed for personal computers, it has developed to being used on servers, and smartphones.

Development of Ubuntu is led by Canonical, a UK based company that was founded by Mark Shuttleworth.

The primary version of Ubuntu employs a graphic user interface called GNOME (GNU Network Object model Environment) and a set of desktop applications for Linux.

GNOME is basically quite similar to the Windows desktop interface and is designed to make Linux easy for non-programmers to use.

Although GNOME is the primary version, there are several other distributions available. These include, Ubuntu Server Edition, Ubuntu Studio, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and JeOS.

Ubuntu consists of many software packages such as LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, and Transmission, these are available in the default installation with more available in different versions.

What are the main benefits of Ubuntu?

The software packages are licensed under the General Public License, which allows users to copy, change, develop, and redistribute their own version of the program.

Canonical, which distributes Ubuntu, has the mission of providing a software platform that is free for users and developers, so rather than charging for the operating system, the company’s business depends on providing commercial support for its products.

This basically means that it helps businesses to design computer systems with a focus on efficiency and cost management.

The core of the technology is the Linux kernel, which means that Ubuntu relies on the architecture of Linux to be able to communicate with a computer’s hardware so that software can do its job.

One of the major benefits of Ubuntu is its security credentials. While not impervious to malware, the nature of the operating system means that it prevents infections.

As long as users stick to downloads from the official Software Centre then there shouldn’t be problems without having to use antivurs, anti-spyware, or CCleaner like tools.