Verizon Wireless, a provider of 3G and 4G network services, has launched VZ Navigator VX, a new version of the company’s navigation service on select DROID smartphones.

According to the company, the new navigation service is available for DROID X by Motorola, DROID Incredible by HTC and the Samsung Fascinate powered by TeleCommunication Systems.

The new VZ Navigator VX provides users with 3D navigation views using enhanced 3D city models and true-to-life images of highway and exit signs, the company said.

The 3D capabilities of VZ Navigator VX are available in six cities at launch, including Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Mo., New York, and Washington D.C., with more cities being added in 2011.

The 3D city and road views add dimension to the turn-by-turn directions VZ Navigator VX offers. Other improvements in the new version include "real" signs and road views, satellite maps and day/night modes among other features.

The company said VZ Navigator VX builds on existing location-based technology, interface, improved functionality for finding points of interest, the ability to run multiple VZ Navigator functions simultaneously within a navigation session and integration with Facebook.

Verizon Wireless director consumer solutions Kristi Crum said the company continues to add more to VZ Navigator, and VZ Navigator VX now gives their users some of the most advanced mapping and navigation services available today.

"Whether they are in a familiar place and need to get around more efficiently or exploring new territory in a car or on foot, customers can turn to VZ Navigator to get them where they want to go," Crum said.