A third of British broadband users are not satisfied with the customer service they receive from their internet service providers, a new report from communications regulator Ofcom suggests.

Of the overall 6,000 consumers surveyed, the average customer satisfaction rating for the broadband sector reached 69%, with Virgin Media users being highly satisfied with their service provider at 76%, followed by Sky at 75%.

Despite the overall satisfaction with broadband customer service rising by 3% between 2013 and 2014, TalkTalk was below average at 62%, while BT’s satisfaction levels stood at 60%.

O2 topped the list by achieving an overall satisfaction score of 78%, which makes it the most user friendly mobile operator.

Among the overall issues, connection speed was cited as main bone of contention, with 19% of broadband users raising this concern with customer services.

Ofcom Consumer and Content Group Director Claudio Pollack said: "When a customer needs to contact their communications provider, it’s important that they find the process as quick and easy as possible."

"Our research gives consumers valuable information about the standards of customer service across different sectors."

"As well as being a useful point of reference for consumers who may be choosing a new service or provider, we hope this research will provide an industry benchmark and act as an incentive for providers to continue aiming for the highest standards of customerservice."

Only 67% of British landline consumers were satisfied with their provider, with the customer satisfaction ratings of Virgin Media, Talk Talk and BT dropping by 2%, 4% and 2% respectively between 2013 and 2014.

Despite the satisfaction levels of pay TV customers and mobile customer service being better when compare to broadband and landline, one fifth of pay TV customers were unhappy with the service.