Facebook is currently developing a software that notifies users before uploading any embarrassing messages and pictures, including drunken or comprimising pictures that they might regret in the future.

Integrating image recognition and artificial intelligence, the new software will be able to differentiate drunk and sober pictures.

Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research lab head Yann LeCun told Wired that the future artificial intelligence would identify when a user uploads an embarrassing photo from a late-night party.

This system would virtually notify users by saying: "Uh, this is being posted publicly. Are you sure you want your boss and your mother to see this?"

LeCun added: "Imagine that you had an intelligent digital assistant which would mediate your interaction with your friends, and also with content on Facebook."

The social networking firm is already using artificial intelligence to observe overall Facebook behaviour and detect the accurate content for news feeds.

Future plans also include developing an intelligent digital assistant that can ‘mediate your interaction with your friends’.


PICTURE: JaysonPhotography / Shutterstock.com