Cisco has announced the Cisco Connected Analytics for the Internet of Everything portfolio, targeting the rapidly expanding ecosystem of connected people, processes and data.

The portfolio includes easy-to-deploy software packages that bring analytics to data regardless of its location.

Coming from every imaginable source from sensors to mobile devices, data generated by IoE is increasingly massive, messy, everywhere.

The issue is how do IT teams deal with this influx of data? A Cisco study found that 40% of survey respondents regard the inaccessibility and inability to interpret data as the biggest obstacle to translating connections into actionable insights.

The new IoE portfolio is designed to overcome these barriers and allow businesses to capitalise on the reported $19T IoE opportunity expected over the next 10 years.

The portfolio includes Connected Analytics for Events, Retail, Service Providers, IT, Network Deployment, Mobility, Collaboration and Contact Centres.

The portfolio is designed to give organisations across all industries access to near real-time information, predictions and trends that can have an immediate impact on their business.

For example, Connected Analytics for Mobility uses location analytics to analyse wireless networks and provide insights about Cisco Service Provider Wi-Fi solution customers.

"There is a massive shift in the market where the remote device at the edge is quickly becoming an incredibly strategic tool to share and collect data, enable more informed decision making, and deliver the best customer experience possible," commented Edzard Overbeek, Senior Vice President, Cisco Services.

"But, if customers don’t have the right analytics solutions in place to make sense of it, that data is useless. Now with Cisco’s portfolio and broad partner ecosystem, we have the right footprint to drive analytics innovation and help customers turn data into actionable insights that can transform business outcomes."