Specifications for universal laptop charger, which would significantly contribute in reducing e-waste, have been issued.

The new specifications would allow global consumers to use only one external charger forh a wide range of notebook computers from diverse manufacturers, and so reducing e-waste.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CEO Frans Vreeswijk said the IEC International Standards for the universal charger for mobile phones has been widely adopted by the mobile phone industry and is already starting to help reduce e-waste.

"A single power supply covering a wide range of notebook computers is the next step in lowering e-waste and its impact on our planet," Vreeswijk said.

The body claimed the charger is reliable and safe to use, and performs well, while its specifications cover essential aspects of external chargers for notebook computers, their connector and plug, in addition to safety, interoperability, performance and environmental concerns.

Reports revealed that the overall e-waste associated with all kinds of redundant chargers of electronic devices surpasses half a million tons every year, which is equivalent to 500,000 cars.

According to the latest Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP) initiative report the weight of scrapped electronic goods (e-waste) is anticipated to reach 65.4 million tonnes per year by 2017, the equivalent of 200 Empire State Buildings.

In addition, the report also added that emerging nations would account for a 33% rise in the amount of e-waste dumped by 2017.