Huddle has unveiled a new platform and a redesigned app for iOS 7, enabling workers to create, edit and store files across desktops and iOS devices.

Huddle Note allows tablet and smartphone users to create, edit and share documents in the cloud suite’s interface without having to use Microsoft’s Word or OneNote applications.

Notes, which operates via the main desktop interface, lets users track changes made to files using a version control feature and look at logs that show who has already viewed it.

The platform is available free of charge on Huddle’s iOS apps, which include notifications, a dynamic activity stream showing users the work being carried out by members of their network, approval requests as well as allowing users to open and edit files with third-party applications.

Alistair Mitchell, CEO and founder of Huddle, told CBR the platform will also be available for Windows in the future, while a beta version of Note for Android is already available to try.

"Interestingly, it might be a Windows platform before Android because Windows is actually accelerating on their mobile operating system now in the enterprise space. Android is dominant in the consumer, but in the enterprise space, it’s iOS for the moment," he said.

The company is the latest enterprise collaboration vendor to release content creation application. Cloud storage startup Box unveiled Box Notes in September 2013, which is currently in beta stages, while Tibbr recently released one called Pages.

Mitchell said Huddle Note is more secure and better suited to enterprises than other SaaS platforms, explaining how Huddle works with "security conscious" organisations including 80% of the UK government, NASA, the US Office of the Secretary of Defence and the European Commission.

"We adhere to all the security standards that you need to serve government, which are the most stringent that you have to go through… We adhere to FISMA and FedRamp in the US and international standards like ISO/IEC 27001," he said.

"It’s how you develop your software that these guys check and if you can therefore adhere to these standards that gives everyone confidence that you have a very robust and secure system."