Cisco, DC Thomson and UCL have joined hands to open the new Innovation and Digital Enterprise Alliance (IDEA) London in Tech City to nurture new as well and early-stage startups.

With the centre, Cisco, DC Thomson and UCL will support the growth of digital, tech and media start-ups across Tech City in London’s Shoreditch.

IDEALondon will initially have house fifteen companies and around one hundred entrepreneurs as well as staff, and will offer support to individual startups.

Cisco UK and Ireland CEO Phil Smith said IDEALondon is a vital element of the Cisco British Innovation Gateway created to nurture nationwide ingenuity and growth through entrepreneurship.

"The brilliant blend of UCL, DC Thomson and Cisco means startups can be more connected, skilled and ambitious than ever before," Smith added.

DC Thomson director Richard Hall said the IDEALondon facility realises the company’s ambition to support new business and the facility is the perfect incubator for start-ups.

"The facility provides our start-ups with the opportunity to enjoy a tech city location whilst simultaneously giving them the opportunity to work with an established media organisation," Hall added.

"We offer access to experienced business mentors and support from our Group companies and wider business network."

UCL Enterprise Vice-Provost Stephen Caddick said, "IDEALondon will ensure the future growth and prosperity of start-ups across the area by giving them access to all the opportunities working with a world-leading university can provide – access to advanced lab facilities, computer scientists and a closed community market research programme – right on their doorstep."

The three partners, Cisco, DC Thomson and UCL, will offer a comprehensive programme by providing access to consultancy, mentoring and funding, as well as other opportunities for training and business support, through UCL’s centre for entrepreneurship, UCL Advances.

The new centre will also host the UCL DECIDE project in collaboration with UCL, DC Thomson and the BBC that will allow the university to use its staff and students for testing and evaluating digital products in pre-commercial development.