Ofcom is preparing to meet the rise in spectrum demand during the upcoming 2014 Commonwealth Games to be held in Glasgow.

According to regulator, the demand will mainly be driven by the rising use of wireless technologies by broadcasters, including wireless cameras and wireless microphones.

As part of efforts, the UK communications regulator would adopt a three-pronged approach to ensure there is sufficient spectrum at the event, including plans of borrowing spectrum on a temporary basis from public sector bodies, for instance the Ministry of Defence.

The regulator would also work to ensure that civil spectrum is used resourcefully by making vacant frequencies available and the unused frequencies will be turned on to boost efficiency across the city.

Ofcom Scotland Director Vicki Nash said that the agency has been working behind the scenes for a long time now to ensure that the demands on Glasgow’s finite spectrum reserves will be met.

"It’s great to see Ofcom’s extensive experience and expertise in spectrum management showcased in such a high profile way with an event like Glasgow 2014," Nash said.

"We look forward to providing a seamless service to the thousands of users that will be depending on spectrum over the course of the 12 day event."

The event would be covered by nearly 3000 accredited media between 23 July and 03 August 2014.