Mobile Monday Manchester (MoMoMcr), a forum for the mobile industry, will put Augmented Reality (AR) and its applications under the spotlight at its central Manchester event on the November 11, 2013.

The use of Augmented Reality is increasing across a wide range of industries including advertising, healthcare, fashion, gaming and science and technology.

Consumer devices are now sufficiently technologically advanced to support AR applications, driving a number of recent initiatives including enriching the user experience of printed catalogues, making in-store displays interactive and even using AR to provide 360 degrees views in motorcycle helmets.

The event will feature a panel of AR experts including chair, Dan Sodegren an international digital marketing expert who has worked on AR initiatives for companies including Adidas and Manchester City FC; David Price from digital media company, Tinderstone; Sam Grimley from AR app provider, Blippar, Max Dawes from Zappar and Jeff Coghlan, CEO and Creative Director at Matmi. MoMoMcr’s high profile event programme has previously included speakers from the BBC, Nokia, the FT, O2 and Google.

Sodegren said: "Augmented Reality ushers in a new era of mobile marketing potential as it is the future of digital guerrilla marketing for SMEs and every astute marketing person’s dream. I have championed Manchester as a centre for mobile marketing excellence and cutting edge thinking. The North West is becoming a hot bed of innovation and I am really looking forward to some lively debate about whether AR is alive and relevant, or just hyped up thinking."

Founder of MoMoMcr and CEO of Apadmi, Garry Partington added: "The potential applications of AR are endless and new gadgets, such as Google Glass, coming onto the market are only going to fuel the uptake of this technology. The North West’s technology industry is well placed to cater for this increasing trend and events like this will further boost our reputation as a destination for digital services. We expect to see attendees from across the region’s digital, technology, advertising and marketing industries."