The global non-Facebook social network gaming market is anticipated to reach $9.6bn with 692 million gamers, surpassing the Facebook gaming market of $5.6bn with a customer base of 554 million, a new report says.

The latest MarketResearchReports.Biz report reveals that social network-based gaming has exploded within the last few years, mainly dominated by Facebook with hundreds of millions of users.

According to the report, social gaming has been riding to turn out to be a key focal point within the gaming community mainly due to high average revenue per unit through monetisation of global social networks, local social networks, mobile social networks, as well as second screen social gaming.

The present trend of bite-size game-play is anticipated to transform into an ecosystem of hard-core social gamers comprising free-to-play, ‘freemium’, and pure-paid versions, while local contents, together with niche market approach, would also play a major role for monetisation and growth.

Currently, the industry is not able to recognise that the biggest change driver is user consumption preferences, rather than the particular games or platforms.

Additionally, the report outlines that the social casino genre and second-screen gaming on mobile social networks would also be driving forces for the industry.