NVIDIA has said that it plans to build high-performance ARM based CPU cores, designed to support future products ranging from personal computers and servers to workstations and supercomputers.

The new initiative is codenamed ‘Project Denver’ and features a CPU running the ARM instruction set, which will be fully integrated on the same chip as the NVIDIA GPU.

The company said that the new processor stems from a strategic partnership, in which NVIDIA has obtained rights to develop its own high performance CPU cores based on ARM’s future processor architecture.

In addition, the company has also licensed ARM’s current Cortex-A15 processor for its future-generation Tegra mobile processors.

NVIDIA president and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said ARM is the fastest-growing CPU architecture in history and marks the beginning of the Internet Everywhere era, where every device provides instant access to the Internet, using advanced CPU cores and rich operating systems.

"ARM’s pervasiveness and open business model make it the perfect architecture for this new era and with Project Denver, we are designing a high-performing ARM CPU core in combination with our massively parallel GPU cores to create a new class of processor," Huang said.