Cisco has signed an agreement with Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague to carry out a joint research programme to address emerging new challenges in cyber security.

The programme will primarily focus on cyber security research of machine learning, data analytics and game theory as well as cloud and mobile computing.

The research programme will utilise CTU’s knowledge in the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence and computer science.

CTU Electrical Engineering Faculty Dean Pavel Ripka said, "By working with Cisco, CTU gains access to a huge ‘real world laboratory’, which allows us to bring computer science research expertise to help protect networks from next-generation cybersecurity threats."

Cisco Engineering and Threat Defence director Michal Pechoucek said that the relationship with CTU around cybersecurity is the first kind of research partnerships the company is trying to forge.

"Given the importance of cybersecurity, we need to find the best brains on the planet who understand the problem and join forces with them to address this space jointly," Pechoucek added.

"We really value the world-class computer science work at CTU and are looking forward to a long and mutually-beneficial relationship."

With the programme, the university will be able to present research proposals and apply for research funds of about €500,000 over a period of five years.

The agreement is expected to strengthen long-term cooperation between CTU and Prague-based Cognitive Security, which was acquired by Cisco in February 2013.