Alex MacGillivray, Twitter’s general counsel, has quit his job as top lawyer at the social-networking site.

He will continue to advise the company, which is expected to float on Wall Street next year.

Vijaya Gadde, who most recently managed Twitter’s corporate and international legal business will replace MacGillivray.

Before joining the company in 2009, MacGillivray served as Google’s deputy general counsel for six years.

He said in a blog post explaining the decision that he was dialing back his "day-today- involvement" at the firm.

"I’ll continue to support the company and its great people by staying on as an advisor for the legal, trust & safety, corporate development and public policy teams. I continue to care deeply about Twitter, the folks who work at Twitter and our tremendous users, so I’ll remain close to all three."

He now plans to spend some time with friends and family, just "goofing off a bit."