Women’s clothes and fashion accessories have been selling fast on eBay mobile, with a handbag being sold every 30 seconds and shoes every 15 seconds.

The second and third most popular categories were technology and motors, with a car being sold over tablet or smartphone every three minutes in the UK.

The most popular spot for mobile shopping via eBay in the UK was Birmingham, followed by South London, Sheffield, Nottingham and Belfast.

Global eBay sales via mobile devices have more than doubled over the last two years, reaching $13bn (£8.3bn) in 2012. The company expects $20bn-worth (£12.8bn) of sales to have been carried out by the end of 2013, and for one in three transactions to involve mobiles or tablets in some way, whether to browse, compare prices or buy.

Olivier Ropars, of eBay mobile, said: "Mobile devices are playing an increasingly important part in our everyday lives – they are always on, always with us and changing everything, including how we shop and pay.

"Today’s research shows the mobile opportunity for retailers is huge and shoppers across the country are embracing mobile shopping.

On auction sites like eBay, the ability to win a bidding war is made easier by having constant access to the site through the mobile app.

Overall, mobile shopping in the UK rose by 55 per cent between 2012 and 2013, and could add £1.8bn to the economy over the next year.